Denis Warren-Tangney

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Lawyer, founder and trustee of the Three Bears Tertiary Education Trust.

We value our clients highly and place great importance on delivering innovative and quality legal solutions in the commercial law, trusts, wills, social media law, and general litigation areas.

In 2019, we won three international awards for our legal services, including the “Best Independent Commercial Law Firm, South Africa”.

The Director, Denis Warren-Tangney, is also the founder and a trustee of the Three Bears Tertiary Education Trust.

The death of his family member, Aiden, brought home the reality of how many young gay men are feeling alone in this world; a result of which is often tragedy, or a life less lived than it could have been.

Three gay businessmen, Denis, Advocate Quintin Steyn and Richard, Denis’ husband, will be offering emotional support, career advice and financing (through the funds raised by the trust from the public) for tertiary education in the fields of IT, music and law; areas in which Aiden was most interested.

“So many feel that they cannot accomplish because they’ve been made to feel less.”

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