A recap of being a young gay man inside a gym, discovering, adapting and finding your feet in the iron jungle.
Okay so you tried a conventional approach to fitness, squeaky clean takkies and the red tag bragging rights to a premium training centre, but is a conventional fitness approach the way to go for you? Facing the gym scene alone can be highly intimidating, muscle Marys grunting and throwing shit, prima donnas clutching their phones hoping to capture that single drizzle of sweat creeping down their foreheads. As a frequent gymgoer myself, I often have to look around and ask myself when facing the furnace, what the f**k is going on in here?
Conventional workouts do definitely work, and for a select group of independent and disciplined individuals, this is the answer. All our body goals are unique, some are here to dominate the Insta scene with sweaty pecs and curvy glutes, but for a vast majority of us… we just don’t want to die as a result of our loyalty to fast food chains. By the way, has anyone checked the stock markets, how is McDonald’s doing? Asking for a friend.
I recall my first day at gym…