An Ad About A Mattress Has One Million Moms Furious About “Promoting Sin”

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In August this year, Avocado Green Brands released an ad for their Avocado Green Mattress, which featured wholesome clips of everyday people living their lives on the bed.

There was nothing explicitly pornographic or sexual in the ad, and yet the extremist Christian group, One Million Moms has labelled the ad as “sinful”, reports Queerty.

The ad features the slogan, “Natural as love”, and this is allegedly the reason that the group has decided to make a stand against the company. The video shows seven different family dynamics, three of which have same-sex couples.

It’s A Sin… Allegedly

One Million Moms sent a callout email to their followers requesting they sign a petition that directed their outrage at the “sinful” ad campaign.

“Avocado Mattress should be ashamed of its commercial for attempting to normalise sin by featuring same-sex couples in bed together. The newest commercial for organic mattresses not only promotes same-sex relationships by including a lesbian couple and a homosexual couple who are both very much together and cuddling, but also glamorises it by being misleading,” read the statement.

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