The glossy Gay Pages which is published 4 times annually targets the most empowered niche market. Over 75% of our readers are categorized LSM 8 – 10 and are mainly aged between 18 and 55. Approximately 90% are male. 58% have managerial positions with incomes exceeding R25 000 per month. Their lifestyle and discerning taste make them active consumers and trend setters.
This market continues to grow exponentially. (500% growth in advertisers in 12 years.)
Target the most affluent and brand loyal market directly, by advertising in the Gay Pages.
The RESTAURANT GUIDE and BUSINESS DIRECTORY dramatically increases advertiser exposure.
This coffee table collector’s publication offers great exposure at low rates due to its reference value and shelf-life.
Selected distribution in the USA, Canada, Australia and Europe. Comprehensive national distribution through RNA. 9 500 Print run. Readership estimate: 45 000. Largest gay publication in South Africa.4