“The evidence is so clear” – Dr Aseem Malhotra on COVID vaccine harms

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Consultant cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra made waves in September 2022 when he published a two-part paper titled ‘Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine’ in the Journal of Insulin Resistance.

Although Malhotra had been a public health advocate for a decade before the publication of his groundbreaking paper, it’s unlikely that it would have sufficiently prepared him, or anyone, for the character assassination and condemnation that would follow his courageous and outspoken campaign against the mRNA COVID vaccines. Following his BNC#5 presentation, which astutely contextualised COVID as the by-product of a complete healthcare system failure, institutional corruption and gross overreach by the pharmaceutical industry, Malhotra sat down for a Q&A with BizNews founder Alec Hogg and delegates at the BizNews Conference. – Nadya Swart

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