3 reasons why cheap laptops are better than you think

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We explain what to expect from budget laptops, and the pros and cons of spending less on a computer.

If you’re on a tight budget, you can make smart compromises to get the best laptop for your money.

As with many appliances and gadgets, spending more on a laptop will typically get you a better device. Our review scores reflect this; laptops costing over £800 on average score 79% while those that cost under £400 manage an average score of 61% (although the best gets 71%).

What lies behind these scores are a myriad of tests that provide an overall picture of how good a laptop is. This is helpful as it puts all laptops on exactly the same scale so you can see how much better one is than another, regardless of cost.

But that doesn’t mean you should only aspire for the very best computer out there: ‘compromise’ shouldn’t be a dirty word. With this in mind, let’s take a look at the compromises you should consider making when buying your next laptop – it will help you get the best value for money. 

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