Does size matter?

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Study finds correlation between negative perception of genitals & mental health issues.

It’s an age-old debate in the gay community: does size matter?

Well, according to a new study in the scientific journal The Aging Male, it does. At least, in the eyes of the beholder.

The relatively novel study — which examined 75 male participants with an average age of 47-years-old between March and June 2022 — found a moderate correlation between men’s “self-perception” of their genitalia and their “susceptibility to depression and anxiety.”

Essentially, the less confident a man felt about their penis’ size or appearance, the more likely they were to experience mental health challenges and in turn, decreased sexual satisfaction.

It’s like your mom always said, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!”

Naturally, men who felt they were more endowed “tended to have a more positive perception of their genitals.” In contrast, men who identified as smaller-sized “were more likely to report a poor genital self-image.”

Interestingly, the study did not report on each participant’s exact tool size, though they denoted a “slightly positive correlation” between flaccid and stretched sizes and a higher positive perception.

As researcher Adil Emrah Sonbahar told PsyPost, discourse around “size matters” and body image influenced his decision to delve into the topic.

“In today’s changing world, people have begun to think about self-image and sexual performance more than before,” he said. “When considering these issues, personal perception — how individuals view themselves — is very important.”

And he’s right.

Like it or not, we do talk a lot about size in both good and bad ways.

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