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Avalene and Annale are both psychologists in private practice, with over forty years of combined experience. They are also life partners.

“It is a wonderful privilege to be in a life partnership and to share the same career,” they say. “Sometimes we can use each other’s council in advice as colleagues, or reason fiercely about concepts and clinical interpretations as partners.”

Avalene and Annale also own and run a healing sanctuary and conservation centre high up in the mountains overlooking the Hartebeespoort Dam in Gauteng in the Cradle of Humankind. There they facilitate Relationship and Designer Living workshops. “This is also our own sacred space where we refuel from, in the quietness and beauty of nature.”

Avalene says, “We have recently shifted our time from work on the ‘couch’ exclusively to mediating conflict and divorce/partnership resolution, forming a mediation company that has become our new passion. Here we aim to prevent exorbitantly costly legal interventions with their accompanying hostile and negative energies that consume people’s lives. Our motto is that emotion lies at the heart of every dispute and that conflict can be resolved with integrity and honour. Our work remains our passion and our calling and we feel blessed that we can celebrate time together on this amazing and mysterious journey called life!”


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