Clinical Trials Evidence for Ivermectin in COVID-19

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Ivermectin, an anti-parasitic medicine whose discovery won the Nobel Prize in 2015, has proven, highly potent, anti-viral
and anti-inflammatory properties in laboratory studies

In the past 4 months, numerous, controlled clinical trials from
multiple centers and countries worldwide are reporting consistent, large improvements in COVID-19 patient outcomes
when treated with ivermectin. Our comprehensive scientific review of these referenced trials can be found on the Open
Science Foundation pre-print server here:

Properties of Ivermectin

1) Ivermectin inhibits the replication of many viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, influenza, and others;
2) Ivermectin has potent anti-inflammatory properties with multiple mechanisms of inhibition;
3) Ivermectin diminishes viral load and protects against organ damage in animal models;
4) Ivermectin prevents transmission of COVID-19 when taken either pre- or post-exposure;
5) Ivermectin hastens recovery and decreases hospitalization and mortality in patients with COVID-19;
6) Ivermectin leads to far lower case-fatality rates in regions with widespread use.

Evidence Base Supporting the Efficacy of Ivermectin in COVID-19 as of January 11, 2021

(RCT’s = randomized controlled trials, OCT’s = observational controlled trials). Every clinical trial shows a benefit, with RCT’s and OCT’s reporting the same

direction and magnitude; nearly all are statistically significant.

Controlled trials studying the prevention of COVID-19 (8 trials completed)

• 3 RCT’s with large statistically significant reductions in transmission rates, a total of 774 patients
• 5 OCT’s with large statistically significant reductions in transmission rates, a total of 2,052 patients
Controlled trials in the treatment of both early and hospitalized COVID-19 patients (19 trials completed)
• 5 RCT’s with large, significant reductions in time to recovery or hospital length of stay, a total of 774 patients
• 1 RCT with a large, statistically significant reduction in rate of deterioration/hospitalization, total of 363 patients
• 2 RCT’s with significant decreases in viral load, days of anosmia, cough, or time to recovery, a total of 85 patients
• 3 RCT’s with large, significant reductions in mortality, a total of 695 patients
• 3 OCT’s with large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, a total of 1,688 patients

Number of Studies and Patients Among the Existing Clinical Trials of Ivermectin in COVID-19

• 27 controlled trials, including a total of 6,612 patients have been completed using well-matched control groups
• 16 trials, including over 2,500 patients, are prospective, randomized, controlled studies
• 11 of the 27 trials have been published in peer-reviewed journals, 3,900 patients, remainder are in pre-print

Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance – Recommendation on Ivermectin in COVID-19

Even restricting analysis to just the 16 randomized controlled trials (totaling over 2,500 patients), the majority report a statistically significant reduction in transmission or disease progression or mortality. Further, a meta-analysis recently performed by
an independent research consortium calculated the chances that ivermectin is ineffective in COVID-19 to be 1 in 67 million.1
The FLCCC Alliance, based on the totality of the existing evidence, supports an A-I recommendation (NIH rating scheme;
strong level, high quality evidence) for the use of ivermectin in both the prophylaxis and treatment of all phases of COVID-19.
Furthermore, we encourage all regulatory agencies to review our manuscript detailing these studies above as well as the
multiple population-wide “natural experiments” that occurred in numerous cities and regions after the initiation of
ivermectin distribution programs.2 The widespread use of ivermectin resulted in a significant reduction in cases and
mortality rates that approached pre-pandemic levels in these areas. As evidenced by what occurred in these regions,
ivermectin is clearly an essential and vital treatment component in achieving control of the pandemic.

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