The Latest Results of Ivermectin’s Success in Treating Outbreaks of COVID-19.

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The New York Times reported on July 30, 2021, that this is a mystery with no clear explanation. But, the drop in cases happened right after a new COVID-19 protocol was released in India. The new guideline includes Ivermectin for early treatment — to treat patients with mild symptoms.

Juan Chamie is a Senior Data Analyst who has been tirelessly researching and spreading the word of ivermectin since early May, 2020. Like the rest of the world, Mr. Chamie closely followed the spread of COVID-19, and his interest in ivermectin was piqued when a doctor in the Dominican Republic used the drug successfully to treat the illness.

Quickly thereafter, a major outbreak in Iquitos, Peru, and local health officials’ successful use of ivermectin to curb the disease, launched Juan’s months-long investigation into widespread efficacy of the drug. Using data as his compass, he showcased his results in stunning data visualizations, and has been using his findings to try to convince health officials and leaders across the world of the positive results of this easily-accessible, highly-affordable drug.

Juan is currently analyzing data of ivermectin intervention all over the globe.

Juan Chamie lives with his wife in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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