This in-depth interview with PANDA founder and chairman Nick Hudson provides a comprehensive update on the Covid-19 story moving from Boris Johnson’s actions supporting the view that Omicron signals the pandemic’s end through to Robert Kennedy’s highly critical bestseller on “The Real” Anthony Fauci.
He also discusses the astonishing DARPA correspondence now in the public domain by Project Veritas which could well be the smoking gun on how the virus originated. Powerful stuff. Not recommended for closed minds – or those content to swallow the official narrative. – Alec Hogg
Nick Hudson on whether Omicron marks the end of Covid-19’s pandemic phase
I can’t see how it wouldn’t be, at least as far as the actual virus is concerned. Of course, the pandemic ending is a political event that requires countries across the world to abandon their various projects, which now have no basis for continuing with their various restrictions and mandates and draconian interventions. So, the end of the pandemic is political, and we must not be confused about that, but from an epidemiological point of view, our view is that Omicron is a welcome phenomenon and not the boogeyman it was painted as in December of last year.
On the Omicron variant of Covid-19 being less severe than other variants with mild symptoms and low mortality
It seems Omicron has a bunch of differences from the other variants like Delta, which are all concentrated on the spike protein – the business end of the virus – the toxic little monster that causes all the trouble, both in Covid-19 and in the vaccines. Omicron lacks some of the features that appear to make Covid-19 bind particularly well with ACE2 receptors in the lungs. So, it’s become more of an upper respiratory tract infection. It seems to be behaving in a clinically distinct way that doesn’t present real risks to anybody. The mortality rates are very low, so the irony of all of this is the argument about whether it was reasonable to compare Covid-19 to a bad flu. Now the dispute is whether Covid-19 is as bad as a cold because it’s still got that aged graduated story going on but is now producing mild symptoms and an infection fatality rate that is not meaningful. It’s too low to really speak about.