The chickens are coming home to roost for Pfizer

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Having succeeded in foisting Covid-19 mRNA injections on an initially unsuspecting public, it appears that the chickens have come home to roost for Pfizer. Pfizer’s criminal withholding of vaccine data is particularly reprehensible when it comes to those children who received a Covid-19 vaccine on the basis that it was not only completely safe, but necessary.

A study in Thailand conducted during the country’s national Covid-19 vaccination campaign for adolescents showed what one physician described as a “stunning” association between myocarditis and the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Studies of this nature are emerging across the globe, with the most damning evidence of the vaccine’s dangers so far being the report that came from the pharmaceutical behemoth itself. This article was first published on the Daily Friend. – Nadya Swart

Pfizer gives damning evidence against Pfizer vaccines

By Andrew Kenny

The most damning report I have ever seen on the dangers of Covid-19 vaccines comes from Pfizer Incorporated.

In it, Pfizer lists the adverse events shortly following its own vaccination, including death, heart damage, disorders of the gastric system and nervous systems, and of the skin and eyes.

What makes the report more damning is the fact that Pfizer and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) tried to suppress it until a US court of law forced them to make it public. I had a single jab Covid-19 vaccination on 4 November 2021 (from J & J, not Pfizer), which I now regret. If I had seen this Pfizer report beforehand, I should not have had the vaccination.

On 27 Aug 2021, the US organisation, Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT), applied to the District Court Northern District of Texas to order the FDA, under the Freedom of Information Act, to make public Pfizer’s report on the adverse events of its own Covid-19 vaccine. On 2 Feb 2022, the court ordered the FDA to publish the Pfizer adverse events in tranches, the first due on or before 1 March 2022.

Here is this first report: 5.3.6-postmarketing-experience (1).pdf. To find it from PHMPT, go to Click on ‘search’. Type ‘post marketing experience’ and then download 5.3.6 post marketing experience. The title of the report is CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS OF PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-2021.

In three months of this Pfizer vaccination around the world, there were 1,223 deaths and 158,893 events shortly after vaccination. (One person may suffer more than one event.) The important question is this: what is the percentage of these deaths and events compared to the total number of vaccinations? Here’s a strange thing. Pfizer doesn’t give the total. In section 3.1.1, Pfizer reports that ‘approximately (b)(4) doses of BNT162b2 were shipped worldwide’. What does this mean? It looks as if Pfizer has removed the total number of doses from its report. Why should it do that?

This murky business confirms my mounting fears about the Covid-19 vaccinations, which I regard as fundamentally different from previous vaccines. I have had such previous vaccines and am glad I have. I am not glad I’ve had a Covid vaccine. (I am glad I have taken some Ivermectin.)  

Tried to suppress it

More alarming than this report itself is the fact that Pfizer and the FDA tried to suppress it. Did Dr Fauci, Chief Medical Advisor to the President of the USA, know about this report when he was urging everyone to take the vaccination? What about our public health officials? Did they know about this report while they were telling us how safe the Covid vaccines were? What about our mainstream media (MSM) and our investigative reporters, who are constantly crying conspiracy theory against ‘anti-vaxxers’?

I haven’t heard a peep from them about this Pfizer report, which was made public in March of this year. (This is the reason I am so late in writing this article on it; I didn’t know about it until recently.) Since Pfizer has been hiding the adverse events following its Covid vaccinations, have other drug companies being doing the same? Have our public health officials been doing the same? Have the MSM been doing the same?

The Covid-19 pandemic, which has been going on for over two years, seems to be coming to a close, and our long nightmare seems to be ending. But the more you look back on it, the worse it seems. There is no doubt that the mad lockdowns imposed by governments around the world have caused far more loss of life and livelihoods than the Covid-19 virus ever could have done.

In South Africa, our vicious and demented lockdowns have caused devastating damage to our people and our economy. The Covid-19 disease began to be known at the end of 2019. It was a mild illness with a mortality rate of about 0.2% (this is difficult to ascertain since most Covid infections are symptomless and unreported), and deaths were overwhelmingly among people older than 60. Young people suffered very little from it, children hardly at all.

The sensible thing would have been to treat it in the same way as we did previous such diseases: protect vulnerable groups, give treatment to those suffering from it as soon as possible, and otherwise let life and work go on as usual. Instead there was a bizarre reaction from politicians and health officials around the world. The available treatments, including Ivermectin, were either ignored or actively condemned.

Only when patients were suffering acutely, were they rushed off to intensive care. Terrible, destructive lockdowns were imposed. And there was a frantic drive to develop and then force upon the public experimental vaccines whose safety and effectiveness had not been properly investigated.

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