Gevaughn is 24 years old and from Krugersdorp in Gauteng, a student studying towards a Degree in Education & working as a programmer for a proudly South African Franchise.
My certificates include Property management, Social media management & TEFL-for teaching English internationally.
To me United with purpose means that no matter who you are, where you come from or what you have in this world you should always be able to feel you have a place and a community there with you. Your circumstances should not determine who you are or who you will be in life, instead you should have everyone with you celebrating all the success of each other together.
Being chosen as part of the Top 12 for the Title of Mr Gay World South Africa 2021 is one of the greatest joys I have in life. I believe that this is just a start towards building my platform where we can all feel loved, welcomed, and appreciated not only by our friends, our families, and our community but most importantly by ourselves. I believe that this is a campaign I can believe and build in as it is one of the most unspoken topics in the LGBTQI+ community and it is time that the unspoken of gets spoken about.
I stand to break the typical stereotype that is created for the LGBTQ+. This is to have the most beautiful body, perfect abs and buff arms. I am proud to say that that is not something that makes you perfect. I believe a golden heart, big smile and comfortability with yourself is what makes you perfect. We are all beautiful in our own way and beauty is how you should see yourself because who are the people to say what beauty is as everyone has their own point of view to what beauty is, you are beauty as you are and I will stand for being human as we are. We did not choose how we look but we do choose to believe in ourselves and know we are perfect as we are.
I would like to be the person that stands out, not by the perfect body or beauty but as a good hearted person that stands up for everything that the world says is wrong or not to their standards but for what makes us ourselves, perfect to ourselves and just makes us human. I believe it is long past the time where we need to stand together in this world regardless of our race, sexualluty an or where we come from but as humans. It is also time that we see our imperfections as our greatest perfections.