Meet your top 12 Mr Gay World SA: Stian Ludik

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Stian Ludik

Stian is 42 years of age, working as a certified massage therapist, in training for psychotherapy and living in the beautiful Mother City, Cape Town.

I am Stian Ludik, I am 42 years of age, working as a certified massage therapist, in training for psychotherapy and living in the beautiful Mother City, Cape Town.

Having lived through many and survived some life experiences, I am in a place within myself to give back to society. It is especially important that each person should be able to develop their personality in an unrestricted and complete way as possible. Life happens and at best of times, we all need that ear that listens as it is important to speak our truth to facilitate the process of healing heart and mind.

With the current pandemic on hand, there is no better time to put into practice what life has taught me. I wish to assist individuals and their families in having to work through different difficulties during these uncertain times.

  • – Dealing with loss
  • – Help with relationships
  • – Changing negative habits
  • – Building confidence and self-esteem

I feel honoured to be one of the 12 gents to represent everyone that is ‘born different’ at the Mr. Gay World South Africa 2021 contest. 

Because sexuality is misunderstood by so many, it can be the cause of much unnecessary heartache.

What I love about my work is that I did not choose it. My work chose me.

To help just one individual reach a solution to their difficulties in life is an achievement. Not only satisfactory in itself but far-reaching in its effects as the successful recovery of an individual has a positive reaction on family and friends.

With my energetic and positive outlook on life, I am well equipped to guide you on your journey.

I am available for virtual one on one sessions if you feel I am the person to help you facilitate your process. 

Cell: 072 021-6481

Please email me at

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